I've been meaning to get this blog off the ground for the longest time. So, here it is. The plan is to record my adventures in performing with local amateur dramatic societies; plays, musicals and panto. Brace yourselves as we dive into the wonderful world of being an amateur luvvie.
As a teenager, I discovered I could act a bit and sing a bit and got my first part as a cow in Animal Farm. You can guess what my only line was, right? Fast forward a decade or three and I found myself auditioning for the part of Miss Hannigan in the musical, Annie, because my musical theatre mad daughter was auditioning to be an orphan. I was terrified; I didn't know a single soul in my local amateur dramatic society but got through the audition process without wetting myself much. I didn't get the main part but joined the ensemble cast of Annie, which proved to be a truly life changing experience and the start of my adventures in am dram.
That was almost five years ago and in that time I've had loads of laughs and met so many talented, friendly and truly lovely people. Sometimes I've been lucky and got a main part and sometimes I've had a cameo role or been a member of the all-singing, all-dancing ensemble. In this time I've played a fair few, slightly mad, comic middle aged women. Can't think why I keep getting those parts. I do love playing these crazy women and I love being funny and making people laugh. I think I do it quite well, but I'll confess that I've begun to feel a little bit typecast. So, I decided it was time for a change; time to challenge myself by taking on a far darker, more complex character. A character like
Paige Janssen.
In about two and a half weeks, I will be performing in Dinner by Moira Buffini. It's a black comedy with a shed load of cracking one liners. Paige Janssen, the hostess with the mostess and a sinister agenda for her dinner party from hell, is a stonking good part. I have loved the challenge of playing Paige and being given the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and be a scheming bitch. Move over Joan Collins, Paige Janssen is in the building and channelling her inner Alexis Colby.
I'm no Dame Maggie Smith but I still relish the chance to create and develop my character. Just because we're amateurs doesn't mean we don't take it seriously, darling!
It's interesting to watch how your character develops during rehearsals; thinking about how they speak and move and interact with the other members of the cast. Creating a back story and developing the inner life of Paige Janssen has been fascinating. But when it comes to preparing for a part, getting the look of your character is equally important; costume, hair and make-up are all essential elements. For once, I don't have to wear a comedy wig or nipple tassels and a centurions helmet. For once, I get to be glamorous in a dramatic red dress that sets the tone of the play from the outset. Ok, Paige is still a slightly mad, middle aged woman, but this time I get to do it in a posh red frock.
I'll introduce you to the other dinner guests over the course of the next week. They are an interesting lot with so many secrets and their own agendas for what they want to happen during the course of dinner. Some are telling the truth and some are telling whacking great porky pies. Oh, and there are lobsters; I mustn't forget the lobsters.
If I have tickled your curiosity and you are chomping at the bit to buy tickets for Dinner, please follow the link below of click here.
NB This show has a fair amount of cussing, so is not suitable for your darling children. You may not wish to attend if you are lobsterusphobius
I look forward to seeing you there. We can have drinks; lots and lots of drinks.
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